Is Olive Oil Healthy?

is olive oil healthy for you


Not only is olive oil healthy, it is one of the ultimate longevity foods!


Jeanne Calment was born in 1875. Mariam Amash was born in 1888. Both lived in completely different parts of the world, but there’s one thing that these women both have in common. Calment and Amash both lived past the age of 120 and both have attributed their longevity to the use of olive oil.

Olive oil has been regarded for centuries for its nutritional, medicinal, and cosmetic value. And according to these fabulous ladies, longevity and beauty enhancement are additional attributes of this oil.

Longevity is awesome, but let’s be honest. Living to the age of 120 is probably not a goal all of us inspire to. But to ensure that you live a reasonably long and healthy life (and who can complain about adding the bonus of appearing youthful?) is a goal that most of us can agree on.

These wonderful women have shared their ‘olive oil fountain of youth’ regimen and now it’s your turn to decide—is olive oil healthy?


1) Sip two tablespoons of high quality extra virgin olive oil daily. (cold pressed is preferred!)


Benefits: increase arterial elasticity and decrease vascular stress to the arteries, reducing the risk of heart disease and heart attacks. This can also help control blood pressure levels and inhibit cancerous cell growth.

This practice may help increase arterial elasticity and decrease vascular stress to the arteries, reducing the risk of heart disease and heart attacks. Sipping a little olive oil daily may help control blood pressure levels and inhibit the growth of cancer cells.


2) Pour it on.


Benefits: Olive oil contains ‘monounsaturated fatty acids’ and these are associated with lower levels of total cholesterol as well as LDL—“bad cholesterol.”

Olive oil can also control insulin levels and blood sugar, making it a helpful addition to the dietary needs of those with type 2 diabetes.

Begin and finish all meals with extra virgin olive oil—Jeanne Calment was known to do the same. Drizzle the cooking pan prior to food preparation and conclude with a quick splash of extra virgin olive oil.


3) Use extra virgin olive oil as a topical on your skin


Benefits: Olive oil has been used for centuries as a moisturizer.

After showering, apply olive oil directly to damp skin as a moisturizer.

According to Miriam Amash’s Wikipedia entry, Amash claims that the key to longevity is a plant-based diet, avoiding alcohol, drinking olive oil, and eating a Palestinian herb often consumed in salad…and Miriam is still living in Israel today!




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