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Fermented Cod Liver Oil and “X-Factor” Butter Oil Blend

FCLO -High Vitamin Butter Oil X-Factor BlendIf you’re looking for something that will improve your cognitive function, protect you from coronary artery disease, diminish the symptoms of arthritis and strengthen your teeth, bones, skin and hair, then fermented cod liver oil is definitely worth looking into. It’s also known to be an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids, as well as vitamins A and D, making it a well-rounded supplement that everyone can benefit from.

High vitamin butter oil is also extremely healthy and beneficial: it contains a very important vitamin called K2, and in combination with fermented cod liver oil you have a powerful remedy that will improve your quality of life in many different ways.

Green Pasture produces the best fermented cod liver oil we are aware of – and now you can get their great products from us!


Why not regular fish oil?

The main difference between fish oil and cod liver oil is that cod liver oil is a source of vitamins A and D while fish oil is not. This makes cod liver oil more desirable because there’s more to be gained from taking it.

Vitamin A is an antioxidant that will strengthen your immune system, help keep your eyes from drying out and give you healthier skin by getting rid of acne and wrinkles. Vitamin D improves bone strength by helping the body absorb calcium and phosphorus from food, aiding in protecting your teeth by helping your body produce new enamel and heal your cavities.

Although you can get a healthy amount of vitamin D from sunlight, unfortunately not everyone lives in places that are always sunny; for individuals in cold northern states and countries, the winters are long and very often dark, which can create a vitamin D deficiency in many people.

It’s also recently been put forward that vitamin D could be effective in combating depression. The brain appears to have receptors for vitamin D in several areas, some of which are involved in the development of depression, and so researchers have theorized that vitamin D could play an important role in mental health.

Vitamin A can be found in many plants and animals and is actually an umbrella term for what are known as “retinoids, ” which are compounds that can aid the body in a variety of ways. While vitamin A deficiency is most often seen in the developing world, it can be seen in anyone that has an unhealthy diet or a digestive disorder. Talk to your doctor to see if vitamin A is right for you.


Why “fermented”?

Through processes such as heat exposure, digestion and synthetic processing of chemicals, the nutrients we can get from our foods are significantly reduced. Cod liver oil gathered in the traditional way undergoes synthetic heat processing, which means that many of the nutrients in cod liver have gone away by the time they’ve been bottled or put into capsules.

Fermented cod liver oil undergoes a slow, cold process of fermentation, where the oil is given time to become fully removed from the livers and carry along all of the nutrients it bears. Once the oil is separated, it’s purified and then bottled or put into capsules. This process makes it much more potent and richer in a wider variety of nutrients.


So to recap, here are the key benefits of fermented cod liver oil:

  • Excellent source of vitamins A and D
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Prevents dry eyes
  • Gets rid of acne and wrinkles
  • Strengthens bones, teeth and hair
  • Cold-process fermentation preserves all of the nutrients present in cod liver oil
  • Improves cognitive function


What is High Vitamin Butter Oil?

High vitamin butter oil’s “x-factor, ” as it was once called by Dr. Weston Price,  is now named vitamin K2. It’s a very important nutrient we should be getting from our meat, dairy and eggs.  Because of the way our livestock is now fed processed grains infused with vitamins in the huge commercial warehouses where they’re raised, they’re no longer able to produce it. Chickens, cows and pigs produce vitamin K2 when they process the chlorophyll in the grass that they would naturally graze on, but since the vast majority of them are instead fed the processed grains, they don’t produce vitamin K2 – so we don’t get to absorb it!

High vitamin butter oil is made from the raw milk of cows that are fully grass-fed, which means it’s high in nutrients, including vitamin K2! It’s extremely healthy and the oil provided by Green Pasture is the safest and most efficient way to make sure you get all the vitamin K2 your body needs.


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The fermented cod liver oil and high vitamin butter blend are both available in our online store right now, so head over and get your hands on these incredibly beneficial medicinal foods!
















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