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What is Shilajit

When I pull out my favorite jar of a special black and semi-liquid substance and start describing the contents, my friends usually stop me and ask, “Back up. So what is Shilajit?”

To start off, it is a very unique substance with a rich mythological history that comes with exceptional medicinal uses.

Many have not even heard of this nor read about it online or anywhere else so why it should be important to know anything about it?

Well, one of the oldest and most famous natural preparations of the East with a number of medicinal properties is Shilajit resin.

The word itself is entirely original, based on two Sanskrit words: “Shila” which means “rock”, and “jeet”, which means “conquered”. In the colloquial langue of India, Hindi, the meaning can be translated loosely as “something that has conquered the rock.”

In Sanskrit, the original language of the Indian subcontinent, the more symbolic and thorough meaning is “the Conquerer of Mountains the the Destroyer of Weakness”.

It is a dark black, gooey, and pungent substance that resembles a fresh resin. It oozes out of dense rock formations high in the Himalayan mountains, where the air, water and plant life are the most pristine in the world.

The oldest legend of its origin tells the tale of King Chandra Varma of Northern India. He faced many hardships during his life and in his old age sought refuge in the Himalayan mountains.

Ascending high into the mountain peaks, but unable to enjoy himself because of his deteriorating body, he encountered Lord Shiva, the Vedic god of death, destruction and spirituality.

Shiva, who was pleased with the king’s service to his kingdom, gave him a powerful substance to help his body rejuvenate. It is believed that it was this black nectar that was given to him.

Devotees of Shiva honor him for his ability to bestow strengths that allow one to conquer oneself and destroy one’s inner weaknesses for higher spiritual growth.

The symbology of the substance’s name “Destroyer of Weakness” lends credence to receiving direct benedictions from Lord Shiva, giving one a powerful hand-up in surviving the treacherous mountain passes.

The local legend of its discovery comes from Nepalese villagers living high in the mountain passes. They observed the local langur monkeys taking an interest in a mysterious substance emerging from certain rock orifices.

During the summer months, when the oozing tar was more accessible due to the heat and dry conditions, they saw they monkeys gathering it up by the handful and eating it.

It powered-up the white monkeys and made them more youthful and daring. Naturally the villagers became interested and started collecting and eating it themselves.

It wasn’t long before they too realized its amazing and immediate effects, and the magic of this pure earthy secretion has fascinated everyone who has encountered it ever since.

It is naturally formed by long-term rot of a special species of lichen that grows at 1500 – 4500 m above sea level in hard-to-reach mountain massifs of the Caucasus Mountains, Altai, Tindjikistan, Pamirs, Himalayas and Central Asia.

It is most often found in a liquid resinous state. Purified version of it is in the form of a stone resinous substance of dark brown colour, bitter, astringent taste with the smell of earth.

In Ayurveda or Indian life science, this product or body balm comes from two words: Shila – stone, jit – victorious; the one who came out of the stone, that is.

It is an extremely valuable resin that is one of the two substances in nature that contain all five elements (Pancha maha bhute: space, air, fire, water, earth) and therefore has a very holistic effect.

It contains about 28 chemical elements, organic matter, 30 macro and microelements, 10 metal oxides, 6 amino acids, vitamins, various essential oils, bee resin and other sticky substances.

It has a bone marrow structure, so it is extremely useful as a lubricant for bones, joints and the spine.

It, together with its miraculous composition, promotes metabolism (metabolism), stimulates tissue regeneration and increases the body’s resistance to external influences and diseases.

Furthermore, it also cleanses the body, removes free radicals and radionuclides, improves the functioning of the peripheral nervous system and brain cells, increases red blood cells and haemoglobin.

It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, strengthens the immunity of the whole organism. Shilajit resin is used orally and externally for a whole range of diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, digestive organs, lungs.

Yet ancient Indian physicians argued that it should also be taken by healthy people twice a year, in spring and autumn for general physical and mental health.

The man was compared to a chimney, which the chimney sweep (the already mentioned product) cleans twice a year from all toxins and waste products (blood vessels, brain cells, stomach, intestines, lungs) through excretion, sweating, secretions.

Pure himalayan shilajit

In recent history, scientists have endeavored to uncover what are the exact conditions for it to be generated and leaked out from rocks, a rather unusual source to foreign eyes.

Although unable to prove through direct observation, they hypothesize that the tectonic plates of large mountain ranges collide together and thereby crush and squeeze organic plant matter together.

This pressuring action, over the course of thousands and perhaps millions of years, concentrates the nutrient-rich plant matter with the minerals inherent to the rock formations.

When the hot sun is beating down on the rocks during the summer, this dark brown or black thick and sticky substance bleeds through sharp cracks and can be collected and harvested, or eaten directly on the spot like the monkeys.

The product of this natural earth phenomenon is an extremely potent substance that contains at least 85 minerals, in ionic form, that are essential to proper metabolic processing in the body on a cellular level, a “black gold” for the body.

It comprises of 60-80% plant matter, 20-40% minerals, and 5% trace elements.

Some of these vital minerals include:

  • Potassium

  • Zinc

  • Iron

  • Iodine

  • Magnesium

  • Manganese

  • Sulfur

  • Chromium

There are two other important compounds inherent in it: fulvic acid and humic acid.

Fulvic acid works in the body by expanding the cell walls so that heavy trace metals can efficiently enter the cells.

When the body cannot properly absorb nutrients in foods and supplements, because of a poor diet and the lack of beneficial microbial activity, the nutrients are simply flushed out and wasted.

Fulvic acid works by transporting nutrients and minerals into the cells and is absolutely essential for the cells to rebuild and maintain themselves, resulting in greater cellular longevity which slows the body’s aging process.

Humic acids are a general term for decomposed and concentrated organic plant matter. They likewise drastically improve mineral uptake into the cells, and support the microbial activity of the body to remove toxins.

Animal and human studies have shown that e.g. in bone fractures, patients taking it healed much faster. The bones healed 20-25 days before, the general condition improved, the swellings disappeared, the wounds healed faster, sleep returned to normal.

Or, e.g. in patients with diabetes after the application of it, their thirst quickly decreased and disappeared, excretion increased, fatigue disappeared and the amount of blood sugar dropped rapidly.

The Russians popularly call it "Mumio". They discovered it by seeing sick and wounded wild goats licking rocks. It was a roadmap for research and use.

It has been clinically and medically tested and is increasingly used in many Russian institutes, clinics, hospitals, and also around the world.

It slows down the ageing process, ie rejuvenates the body, and is therefore widely used in the cosmetics industry. The natural substances in it cleanse, nourish and rejuvenate the skin.

It is clean of toxins and waste products, and therefore miraculously helps acne-prone and impure skin to normalize. It is a resin of natural origin.

As a biostimulator, it has a beneficial effect on the human body, is antitoxic, strengthens the whole organism, has adaptogenic properties, participates in the biosynthesis of DNA cells, regulates metabolic and acid-base processes in the body.

It has a tonic, diuretic, improved metabolism, aphrodisiac, rejuvenating tonic.

It is a black mineral that accumulates in rock crevices high in the Himalayas. By its nature, it is heavy, so in addition to specially treated one, it contains plants that help better and easier acceptance and absorption, as well as better healing effects of this preparation.

For many thousands of years, the northern Ayurvedic tradition has used this mountain gift to treat a large number of ailments. The ancient Greeks also greatly appreciated the action of "earth juice", as they called Shilajit, which cleanses, helps heal wounds and bones after trauma.

It is an important rejuvenating tonic, especially for Kapha, Vata and kidneys, and in cases of people who have long suffered from diabetes and asthma. It can be taken to maintain general health and is good for people who do a lot of mental activities or practice yoga.

When reading texts describing the actions of it, one marvels at the power of the mighty Nature, its helping substances and its positive effects on health and recovery. One of the such, special and highly valued gifts is it, a natural resin found in the sacred Himalayan regions.

The effect of resins on the body in Ayurveda has a special meaning. Easily soluble, they act slowly and by entering the bloodstream into the system, they act on the regeneration of our tissues and cells.

Therefore, resins are common in Ayurveda, but also in Chinese and Tibetan medicine, which, just like Ayurveda, appreciate and use it.

In Russian medicine, it is called Mumio and is generally accepted and expanded as a nutritional tonic and a powerful natural remedy that recovers the body from severe conditions, diseases, exhaustion, loss of strength.

As a biostimulator, it has a beneficial effect on the human body, regenerates and strengthens the whole organism. It acts as a rejuvenating tonic, revitalizer and aphrodisiac.

Its active substances are deeply powerful, recover bones, joints and the whole body, which is why it is suggested to people after difficult therapies such as radiation or chemotherapy.

His powerful work is attested to by his two-word name; Shila – stone and jit – victorious. So it could be called a powerful, victorious stone whose earthly structures affect strength and recovery so much that man becomes as strong as a rock.

Pure shilajit

Because of its naturally-occurring and pure contents the products available on the market do not need to be processed or include any other ingredients. Most are sold “as is”.

The mountainous regions of Northern India, Pakistan and Nepal, where it is predominantly sourced, are some of the most pure places on earth.

Because of these conditions you can be sure you are ingesting some of the highest quality nutrients available on earth.

When looking at its fantastic composition, its exceptional content of minerals, over 20 chemical elements and organic matter, amino acids, vitamins, essential oils should be emphasized.

It improves metabolic processes in the body, improves digestion and excretion of toxins from the body, strengthens immunity and raises the body’s resistance to external influences and diseases.

Its purifying effect on the body is strong, so it has a positive effect on the health of the liver, bloodstream, kidneys, heart and intestines.

It has the title of one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs and is equally recommended for men and women for reproductive strengthening.

Ancient Ayurvedic texts suggest taking it to achieve and maintain psychophysical and mental health. It has a positive effect on all tissues and balances all three doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha).

When reading texts describing the actions of Shilajit, one marvels at the power of the mighty Nature, its helping substances and its positive effects on health and recovery.

One of the such, special and highly valued gifts is Shilajit, a natural resin found in the sacred Himalayan regions. The effect of resins on the body in Ayurveda has a special meaning.

Easily soluble, they act slowly and by entering the bloodstream into the system, they act on the regeneration of our tissues and cells.

Therefore, resins are common in Ayurveda, but also in Chinese and Tibetan medicine, which, just like Ayurveda, appreciate and use it.

How long does it take shilajit to work?

With regards to the immediate health benefits, one will experience a quick boost of energy likened to taking a shot of espresso, except without any of the drawbacks like cellular dehydration and a crash later on.

This natural boost in energy levels has been shown to help people who suffer from chronic fatigue, which is usually caused by cells inefficiently up-taking nutrients and detoxifying harmful substances.

Over the long-term, it is famed for its ability for life-extension and a significant increase in longevity, even for people living in the harshest and most demanding conditions like the Nepalese sherpas.

And because of its broad spectrum of ingredients there are numerous health benefits for people that are suffering from some of the classical problems associated with a diet insufficient in trace minerals.

These include heart disease caused by low blood pressure, liver problems, excessive stress, the lack of adequate blood oxygen levels, male infertility, and obesity, just to name a few.

Most of these health problems are rooted in the fact that the foods being eaten do not have nutrient rich soil that naturally supplies the food with compounds the body needs on a cellular level.

Luckily for those suffering from nutrient scarcity, the discovery and production of this incredible substance provides a simple and well-rounded solution to a host of bodily needs.

When looking at its fantastic composition, its exceptional content of minerals, over 20 chemical elements and organic matter, amino acids, vitamins, essential oils should be emphasized.

It improves metabolic processes in the body, improves digestion and excretion of toxins from the body, strengthens immunity and raises the body’s resistance to external influences and diseases.

Its purifying effect on the body is strong, so it has a positive effect on the health of the liver, bloodstream, kidneys, heart and intestines. It has the title of one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs and is equally recommended for men and women for reproductive strengthening.

Ancient Ayurvedic texts suggest taking it to achieve and maintain psychophysical and mental health. It has a positive effect on all tissues and balances all three doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha).

It purifies extracts of black-brown mineral-rich resin that comes from rock layers in several mountains ranges around the world, including the Himalayan, Tibetan and Altai mountains.

Its fulvic acid extract is thought to be formed in part from the breakdown of certain plants and contains an important compound known as fulvic acid.

One of the many herbal mineral formulations (Rasaoushadhies) used in Ayurveda – a healing system that originated thousands of years ago in India – it is used in some traditional herbal medicine to treat a variety of conditions, from bone fractures to impotence.

Its pure extract is available as a dietary supplement.

Its pure extract is formed by the slow decomposition of the plant substance and is available as an additive or powder. Numerous compounds found in it can be helpful for brain function, and may even help Alzheimer’s therapy.

When friends ask me “What is Shilajit?” the response usually entails this rich history and a sense of gratitude that the earth would provide such a beneficial substance incredibly packed with what our bodies need most.


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