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Why Take MegaHydrate? It’s The Worlds Most Powerful Antioxidant.

The world's most powerful Antioxidant!
The world’s most powerful Antioxidant!

Don’t Over-Medicate, Hydrate!

Hydrogen is the fuel for life. It is essential for our energy hydration and longevity. Dramatic breakthroughs in overcoming disease are being published in some of the world’s most prestigious Scientific journals as a result of the Hydration movement. At the same time, thousands of Scientists and Medical Doctors around the world like F. Batmanghelidg, MD (also F. Batmanghelidj, MD), are evangelizing the popular prescription for health, “Don’t over-medicate, HYDRATE!”

Science and Medicine have been seeking and studying miracle healing waters for decades. High elevation regions such as the Hunza in Pakistan, Villacabamba in Ecuador, Badenbaden in Germany, and others have been reputed to have healing waters for many generations. The fact is people who live in these regions and drink the water are known to live long, healthy, active lives well over 100 years of age. For ages, man has made pilgrimages to these remote regions in order to drink their “healing waters.”

For over three decades, Dr. Patrick Flanagan has studied these remote regions of the world where people live healthy active lives past the age of 100 years. While the diets in these regions differed dramatically, Dr. Flanagan discovered the amazing fact that the drinking water in these regions was almost identical and came from frozen glaciers that had melted. This water, known in some circles as “glacial milk, ” displays some very distinct physical differences from the water that most of the civilized world is drinking.

The surface tension of glacial milk is much lower. This means that the water can be absorbed directly into the cells of the body with much greater ease facilitating hydration and nutrient uptake. His product, Crystal Energy, makes water "Wetter" by lowering the surface tension also allowing waste to be removed from the cells. Dr. Flanagan also discovered that glacial milk, or “life water, ” had very distinct physical properties of viscosity, heat, and energy potential. After decades of laboratory and field research and study, Dr. Flanagan uncovered what may be the most important discovery about the true nature of hydration. He discovered why the waters are so different and can hydrate the human cell so effectively where people of these remote regions live well past 100 years of age.

Negatively charged electrons, the essence of free-radical scavenging.

For thousands of years, man has trekked to the mountains and the sea for physical, emotional, and spiritual replenishment. Dr. Flanagan discovered that the water from these regions contains massive quantities of negatively-charged hydrogen ions. Several decades ago, this fact was confirmed by other scientists. Negatively-charged ions have proven to be highly beneficial to the human organism.

Hydrogen is one of the primordial elements that fuels the development of all life on Earth. Provided by the Sun as rays of light, human beings cannot live without Hydrogen. While science refers to us as carbon-based life forms, man is actually a Silica-based and Hydrogen-based life form. All life on Earth is Hydrogen-based. When plants absorb sunlight, they store negatively-charged Hydrogen ions through the process of photosynthesis. When you eat unprocessed plants, your body’s cells utilize the nutrients in those plants and, perhaps more importantly, the electrical charge of the Hydrogen ions in those plants. When your body burns Hydrogen and Oxygen, it generates the energy you need for every single process of life. As a matter of fact, nearly every life form on the planet utilizes Hydrogen and Oxygen to generate energy. The key is that without Hydrogen, there is no life.

Hydrogen is the smallest known element in the Universe. All living things must have Hydrogen to sustain life. Hydrogen is the key to life, death, and aging. Without Hydrogen ions, there would be no life on Earth. As a result of Dr. Flanagan’s discoveries, many Scientists now believe that the quantity of Hydrogen ions in plants and water is a qualitative indicator of its energy potential. Hydrogen ions are a key fuel and energy source for the human body. Negatively-charged Hydrogen ions can determine the overall health of every cell in the human body.

The human body must breathe to get Oxygen, and must eat and drink to get Hydrogen ions. Without breathing Oxygen, the body dies. Without eating or drinking sources of Hydrogen ions, the body has no source of energy and dies. The fact is that Human Cells need Hydrogen and Oxygen in order to generate the energy we call life. The primary source of Hydrogen ions for the human body are fresh uncooked plants, fruits, vegetables, and water.

Due in no small part to mass food production, mineral deficient soil, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, over-processing of foods, the addition of chemical preservatives, and drinking over-chlorinated and over-fluoridated water, millions of individuals are not getting enough Hydrogen ions daily. Cell damage occurs when the body has insufficient Hydrogen ions (and sufficient Oxygen). The body’s cells become oxidized like Oxygen rusts iron.

When certain chemicals in the body lose an electron, they become positively charged (and are called “free radicals” or “oxidants”). These chemicals roam freely through the rest of the body stealing electrons from other cells. Free radicals damage cellular DNA. The majority of modern science has come to the conclusion that free radical damage in the human body is the cause of aging. Science has also discovered that aging is not a natural function of time passing. Aging is evidence of the damage to millions of the body’s cells through oxidation. This oxidation is due to the lack of Hydrogen ions that are available to stop free radical damage.

The human body is under siege by free radicals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Pollution, chemicals, fumes, toxins, and other poisonous materials only add to the damage that the body endures on a daily basis. The amount of free radical damage is equivalent to the amount you have aged. The best known antioxidants prior to Dr. Flanagan’s pure Hydrogen ion product were Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Green Tea Extract and Grape Seed Extract. Both Green Tea and Grape Seed Extracts have many times more antioxidant potential than either Vitamin E or Vitamin C. Scientific evidence proves that MegaHydrate is hundreds of times more powerful as an antioxidant than either Green Tea Extract or Grape Seed Extract. There is no known antioxidant more powerful than MegaHydrate. More importantly, because MegaHydrate is so pure, you get far more Hydrogen ions from a daily supplement of MegaHydrate than from eating pounds of raw fruits and vegetables and drinking gallons of water from the Hunza region.

What are the active ingredients?

The active ingredient in MegaHydrate is Silica Hydride. One very important characteristic of the antioxidant capacity of Silica Hydride is that it is the only antioxidant that does not turn into a free radical (i.e., oxidant) once it has neutralized a free radical by donating its electron. Negatively-charged hydrogen turns into benign gas and/or turns into water

Two Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom make water. Without water, there is no life. Dr. Flanagan stunned the scientific community with the discovery that the configuration of the minerals within the water, not just their existence, provides glacial milk with its unique hydration and life-giving properties. In order to replicate these beneficial elements of glacial milk water, Dr. Flanagan spent the past three decades on the development of a simple and easy-to-use Silica Hydride powder that can hold Hydrogen ions stable over time and releases them in your body when they come in contact with water. MegaHydrate is the product of a lifetime of research and development by Dr. Flanagan. There is no other product available on the planet like MegaHydrate that delivers billions of negatively-charged Hydrogen ions to the cells of the body by simply taking it with water.

MegaHydrate contains the active ingredient Silica Hydride, a compound known to positively affect the “zeta potential” of blood cells. Zeta potential (x) is the electric potential, or charge, that exists in a hydrated particle and the surrounding solution. Zeta potential is an important and useful indicator that this charge can be used to predict and control the stability of colloidal suspensions. The greater the zeta potential, the more likely the suspension will be stable because the charged particles repel one another and thus overcome the natural tendency to aggregate. Zeta potential is an electrical charge that describes how far apart cells are. Greater zeta potential indicates more space between cells.

What is Zeta Potential and what can it do for me?

Increased zeta potential has many positive health benefits. More zeta potential means more surface area for cells. Toxins, viral matter, fungi, and bacteria trapped between cells can be expunged more readily. More importantly, water enters cells more easily. Water is arguably the most vital component of anti-aging, life extension, and the removal of free radicals and waste.

Dark Field Microsopy testing:

The following test has been performed and replicated by several groups of scientists with the same results. It provides yet more data indicating that MegaHydrate is a contributor to good health.

PHOTO 1 below shows a microscopic view of a blood sample from a subject with low zeta potential. The blood cells are clustered together and trap waste elements between them. Note the clustering effect may be a result of dehydration from caffeine, alcohol, heat, and stress: allcommonly found in people today

Dark Field Imagry Megahydrate

The test subject was given 500 mg (or two 250 mg capsules) of Silica Hydride – the active ingredient in MegaHydrate – mixed with 8 oz of water

Twenty minutes later, another blood sample taken from the test subject was viewed under a microscope (as seen in PHOTO 2 below). The evenly-dispersed blood cells indicates high zeta potential. The blood cells appear pristine, as if the substances trapped between the cells have been cleansed. The surface area of the cells has increased allowing exponentially more nutrients into the cells and more toxins to be removed.

Before: Clustered Cells



After: Evenly Dispersed Cells


MegaHydrate’s Silica Hydride is the only known supplement to dramatically increase zeta potential.

population may be dehydrated. Why do people lack hydration? This may be due to a poor thirst mechanism as we get older (click here to read more), dissatisfaction with the taste of water, the consumption of caffeine and alcohol, climate controlled environments (both heated and air conditioned), and excessive exercise. With water loss at 2% of body weight, individuals experience impaired physiological and mental performance. Double blind placebo studies clearly demonstrate that the Silica Hydride in MegaHydrate dramatically increases total body water in just four weeks!

MegaHydrate is a dietary supplement that is considered a food grade supplement rich in antioxidants by the FDA. MegaHydrate is safe, and has been tested and shown to have no known side effects. Many individuals taking MegaHydrate experience these benefits:


Significant increases in Hydration at the cellular level as confirmed by laboratory testing

Combats dehydration and its symptoms in adults, children, and pets.


One daily dose of MegaHydrate has more antioxidant power than hundreds of glasses of fresh vegetable and fruit juices, broccoli, brussels sprouts, leafy greens, and other foods rich in antioxidants to prevent free radical damage. The anti-aging pill.


MegaHydrate provides natural pain relief from headaches, sore muscles, and inflammation of the joints. Studies show that MegaHyrate increases energy production (adenosine triphosphate or ATP) by up to 4 times. Customers with fibromyalgia and other conditions associated with energy production and hydration find substantial pain relief.

Order your MegaHydrate today by clicking here!



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