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Best Vegan Coffee Creamer

Smart Cream, Mushroom Coconut Coffee Creamer, Keto and Paleo Creamer!

Over the years, research shows that people are looking for a good vegan coffee creamer.

Many have stopped or eliminated the consumption of dairy coffee to vegan coffee due to high saturated fats in dairy products, which tends to cause risk for heart disease, obesity, and other related diseases.

Being a vegan is very economical and beneficial to the human body system, but it gets frustrating when you can’t find the best creamer and brand that will serve its needed purpose.

Have you been trying different coffee yet haven’t got a vivid product that suits your taste?

You may have given up or believed that there aren’t 100% vegan creamers, dairy-free, or unsweetened creamers in the market. 

Most coffee creamers are often labeled animal-free, but they are still mixed or diluted with dairy products, some may appear sweeter, but their contents still include milk substances, like casein and other animal/harmful ingredients.

You don’t have to try out many creamer products before you can choose the perfect brand for yourself. Here’s the one.

However, we have put up a list of the best ones so that you can trust completely to ease your stress.

Their products are sweetening-free, dairy-free, and their ingredients are all plant-based. Keep reading and find your new go-to brand!

Vegan coffee creamer powder

Medicinal Foods™ Smart Cream Nootropic Stack

This creamer is one of the best consumed by vegans, people following the keto diet, and people wanting a brain boost.

This creamer features brain boosting Lions Mane Mushroom and MCT Oil to create a nootropic stack to fuel metnal and cognative activity.

It is very fine and powdered with a smooth coconut taste, which is identical and can also satisfy a creamy craving in dairy products.

Sweetened with zero glycimic monkfruit, it mixes smoothly with coffee break, coffee, lattes, hot chocolate and more.

This product is vegan-friendly, gluten-free, non-GMO, earth kosher, raw, gluten-free, delicious, nutritious, and a non-dairy creamer.

The milk can also be used as a baking ingredient, making sweets, healthy soups, and dishes.

Califia Farms Pecan Caramel Creamer

This creamer is made from almond cream, caramel flavor, a high amount of coconut cream, flavors, caramel, potassium, locust bean, and others.

 It is very beneficial for persons who are allergic to soy due to the low amount of soy, gluten, and BPA-free. Another peculiarity of this creamer is that it has two types based on consumers’ choices; original and unsweetened.

The unsweetened type is mainly produced and purchased by people trying to maintain their blood sugar level, diabetic patients. The original one can be taken by anybody depending on taste and choice.

Ripple Pea Milk

This creamer is a non-dairy made from pea protein, yellow peas, and sunflower oil, which has been researched to be nutritional, vegan-friendly coffee creamer, high protein content, and low in calories. It has a nutritious creamier and sweet taste, which mixes perfectly with a cup of coffee.

It is often recommended for diabetic and hypertensive patients who need to monitor their sugar intake and avoid high blood sugar levels. This milk product comes in a different form, chocolate and vanilla form; which help to regulate appetite, aid weight loss, and help to build muscle mass, and control blood sugar.

Milkadamia Macadamia Milk Unsweetened Latte De Baristarma

This creamer is made from raw macadamia nuts, which are very beneficial to the human body; they improve digestion, heart health, weight maintenance, and blood sugar levels. It tastes very much like dairy products, very subtle, froths just like dairy, creamy, and sweeter, and its ingredients include; macadamia milk, potassium phosphate and citrate, sunflower lecithin, and others.

The creamer contains all beneficial ingredients: gluten-free, vegan, dairy-free, no added sugars, non-GMO, dairy-free, lactose-free, soy-free, cholesterol-free, carrageenan-free, and almond-free.

Silk Soy Creamer

This creamer is a very good vegan creamer, extracted from almonds, with almost the same sweetening and indulgent taste, like dairy products. Its ingredients include; soy base, sugar cane, palm oil, maltodextrin, potassium phosphate, soy lecithin, locust bean, and other natural flavors that have no or minute quantity of cholesterol and saturated fat gluten, casein, or artificial substance.

This product is non-GMO project verified, with a smooth, creamy, and sweet taste identical to dairy milk.

Vegan coffee creamer no sugar

Nutpods Creamer Unsweetened Original

Nutpods creamer unsweetened original is mostly medically recommended dairy-free coffee creamers. It is extracted from almonds and rich coconuts. The plant’s extracts are 100% vegan, gluten-free, kosher, and are non-GMO project verified.

The product is 100% vegan, dairy-free, creamier, sweeter, and has almost the same taste as diary coffee; its smooth texture aids it to mix instantly with coffee. Nutpods can be preserved in the refrigerator, made into creamy coffee drinks, and it’s also delicious with tea.

Superfood Creamer Unsweetened

This creamer is extracted and made from high-quality coconut milk powder coconut oil, natural rich flavor, calcium, and trace minerals from aquamin. All these ingredients were processed with natural food sourced and tested thoroughly to preserve their rich and creamy content.

This creamer is highly recommended for people who intend to live a keto and vegan lifestyle. The products are keto-friendly, with no added artificial sugar or sweeteners.

Mooala Plant-Based Creamer

It was recently launched and has gained widespread popularity for its plant-based ingredients, majorly, banana milk and almond milk, coconut cream, organic vanilla flavor, vanilla beans, calcium carbonate, lecithin, tara gum, and others.

The product is gluten-free, USDA verified, no added artificial sugar, made in three flavor varieties. All the ingredients and recipes are organic, unsweetened, and plant-based, which are peculiar for people who want to embrace a healthier lifestyle and maintain lactose, cholesterols, and blood sugar levels.

Rising Tide Elevate Plant-Based Creamer

This dairy-free creamer is made from MCT oil and coconut oil and milk powders, mushroom, acacia fiber, no additives or sweetening, which mixes perfectly with coffee.

It comprises vegan, organic, adaptogens components, keto and paleo-friendly, and gluten-free, which provide flavor with no funky aftertaste. It can stay active, and it doesn’t require refrigeration even after opening.

SOWN Organic Oat Creamer Unsweetened

It is one of the most suitable creamers for people who need vegan-friendly and like oat products. It is mostly used for baking, is economical, and has a very smooth and comfortable texture for coffee and others.


The above brands and products are some of the best in vegan coffee creamer, but Medicinal Foods Smart Cream stands out has the hightest quality and richest flavor.

You can decide to go through each product, check its features, and choose the creamer that works for you. 


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