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Healthiest Chocolate Bar

Cacao Vs Cocoa , Cacao Powder is a Superfood

Research conducted in the past has revealed that most chocoholics find it hard to choose the healthiest chocolate bar for consumption.

They are common and popular among children and a large percentage of adults too!

It is simply dark chocolates molded into confection in a bar form.

It is mostly made up of; cocoa solids, cocoa butter, sugar, milk.

These components are the determinant to name if it is organic or contains additives.

Having to tell you that you may have questions popping in your mind like;

  • What does the chocolate do?
  • Is it advisable to eat it?
  • Is there an unhealthy chocolate bar?
  • Are they different from each other?

Yeah, it’s good to have these thoughts and doubts.

There are different types of chocolates molded-in bar form.

Their composition highly differs depending on the brand/company that manufactured it and the component used in the production.

They have different types; dark chocolate, milk chocolate, and white chocolates.

The main difference is that they are extracted from plant-based sources (100% 0rganic).

At the same time, normal chocolate contains different artificial components like sugar, sweetening, dairy products, and other additives.

The mix has proved to be the healthiest with many importance and nutrition.

It contains anti-inflammatory, organic, and antioxidant properties, nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, and essential minerals like zinc, copper, and magnesium.

It also has a high oleic acid content, with monounsaturated "healthy fats" beneficial to the heart and blood.

Most times, these products are referred to as superfoods.

Barely knowing criteria before a food can be rated as a superfood, you should be more pushed to purchase these chocolates for your health.

Keep reading this article to have more insights regarding the healthiest chocolate for you.

Healthiest chocolate bar to eat

As stated earlier, there are different chocolates out in markets, stores and groceries, so you have to choose this mix to eat.

A bar of superfood chocolate must possess the following features to be regarded as a healthy one:

60% cacao content

The main content or composition in this mix is cocoa/ cacao.

Cocoa is a raw material whose bean pod is bought, gathered, and processed in industries to make cacao.

Some organic additives like cocoa mass, honey sugar, cocoa butter, and, optionally, in minute quantity milk are added.

After the mixture, they are all rolled and conched (kept in continuous movement), which causes the cocoa mass to thicken and form a very semi-solid homogeneous substance.

After it is then cooled and molded into bars and confections.

According to nutritionists and researchers, chocolates with over 60% composition are the best for consumption.

Cocoa has the following functions:

  • Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory properties (rich in polyphenol, flavonoids).
  • Reduce blood pressure level
  • Alleviate susceptibility for heart disease, and cardiovascular anomalies
  • Aids the brain health and all cognitive process
  • Improves the mood
  • Reduced risk for type 2 diabetes
  • Maintain, control, and regulate weight loss or gain
  • Anti-bacterial and immune-stimulating function

Little composition of sugar

This is one of the main reasons chocolate tends to be harmful to most adults, diabetic patients, and people who practice veganism.

Most chocolate brands often add a large composition of artificial sugar, sweetening, flavors, dairy products like cow milk, and others.

Brands add sugars and other additives stated above to make their chocolate sweeter, tastier, and creamier.

Depending on personal preference, most people, especially kids, prefer this type of chocolate to the detriment of their health.

High consumption of these chocolates can cause diabetes, cognitive decline, increased blood pressure levels and related cardiovascular disease.

Vegan (plant-based) sources

The most recommended chocolates are vegan and plant-based sources.

The mix produced from plants is the most recommended and the best for the body system.

Most times, chocolates are made from dairy sources like cow milk and other animal sources, detrimental to human health.

Milk extracted from animals is carried out in an unhealthy manner.

In most cases when these kinds of milk are not well treated or processed causes different anomalies in the body.

These anomalies result from bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens extracted while pumping out milk from the animal.

Low level of flavor

Flavors are often added to all chocolates to reduce the bitterness and toxicity of cocoa.

Though flavors are useful in chocolate, when the composition of the flavor becomes high, it causes the chocolate to lose its nutrient value.

When you purchase the mix, always endeavor to check the label very well.

Always check the percentage of cocoa composition, (up to 90% cocoa) flavors like Crisp Mint and Salted Almonds, sugar composition, and others.

The healthiest chocolate bar

By now, you should have a complete picture of what the mix should be and how it should be made.

Alleviating your stress, start checking for the best bar and introduce you to the best mixes.

LOVERS BAR ORIGINAL Raw Organic Chocolate Bar

After conducting several research and experiments, consult with food experts and nutritionists.

ThiLovers bar, a raw organic (plant-based) chocolate blended with superfoods (Reishi and Cordyceps), was produced to give you a healthy, extra-ordinary feeling with just one bite.

If you enjoy taking chocolate, this is the best bar for you.

It is made with superfoods, high-quality cacao beans, organic hemp protein, sea salt, cane juice, and natural aphrodisiac.

This bar was made out of cocoa majorly, vegan, organic, dairy, and gluten-free, with lots of superfoods.

Some of the organic contents used in the production of these and their importance are:

  • Raw cacao powder (Theobroma cacao)
  1. 100% vegan, pure, and organic
  2. High nutrient value with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
  3. Contains chromium, magnesium, and zinc, which are trace elements highly needed in the body.
  • Organic reishi mushroom powder (Ganoderma lucidum)
  1. A tonic that relieves stress, regulates, maintains, and boosts the immune system
  2. Has anti-cholesterol, immune-building, and anti-viral properties
  3. Lower risk of high blood pressure
  4. Relieves hepatitis, bronchitis, insomnia, and asthma
  5. Supports the liver functioning
  6. Contains mushroom powders extracted via traditional methods with the highest quality standards.
  • Shaman’s blend
  1. One of the best-rated superfoods blends that was produced vis ancient cacao shamans in the South American rainforests
  2. Enhances mood
  • Other ingredients include:

  • Vanilla Extract

  • Full Spectrum Cordyceps Mushroom (Cordyceps Sinensis)

  • Himalayan Pink Salt

  • Lucuma Powder (South American Eggfruit).

  • Pure Spirulina Powder (Blue-green algae, Arthrospira maxima)

  • Pure Chlorella (Green algae, Chlorella Vulgaris )

  • Ashwagandha Root Powder (Withania somnifera)

  • Mucuna Powder (Mucuna pruriens)

  • Maca Root Powder (Lepidium meyenii)

Consumption of healthy beverages is a necessity for life.

The best mix for consumption has been introduced to you. What are you waiting for? Order for your healthiest chocolate bar now!

What are some of the perks!

It is one of those sweets that we just can’t seem to stay away from no matter how strict we are with our diets. But if you feel like you need to give it up just to be healthy and lose weight, don’t despair: you don’t have to give it all up!

If we’re talking milk chocolate we won’t have many benefits to mention, we’ll have a list of detriments. Although the taste is nothing short of divine and it can be a decent of calcium in small doses, most milk varieties are highly provessed and have high quantities of sugar, saturated fats, trans fats and calories that can all increase your weight, raise your blood pressure and increase your risk of developing heart disease or diabetes.

But that taste, though. Isn’t there any kind that we can eat that’s healthy for us? The answer is yes! To reap the real benefits you have to go straight to the source; cacao.

This is the product of the fermented seeds of the cacao tree – or Theobroma cacao, which translates to “food of the gods” – extracted from their pods and left until they turn a dark brown hue, which are then dried, roasted and ground into a thick paste.

Keep in mind, however, that the less pure your chocolate is, the less health benefits you can get from it. You need to make sure you’re eating no less than 70% dark if you really want the nutritious perks this delicious snack can provide.

A brief history of cacao


Europeans were first introduced to this sacred drink in the 16th century by the Aztec civilization during the campaigns of Hernan Cortes and the conquistadors.

It was a tradition that had been passed down from the Maya across the centuries, and it’s known that the Maya civilization held cacao in extremely high regard and consumed it regularly, not just during special ceremonies but during every meal of every day.

But cacao might even be older than that. According to Michael Coe, professor emeritus of anthropology at Yale University, “cacao” is a word that originates from the even more ancient Olmec civilization.

And since Olmec culture was such a big influence on Mayan culture, it’s possible that the Maya got their cacao tradition from these very ancient people – meaning that humans may have been consuming it for more than 2,500 years!

Reasons to eat it often:

There are many reasons why cacao is healthy for us. It contains a high quantity of flavanols, which are antioxidant flavonoids found in many plants that have a number of health benefits.

Wine, tea, and grapes are other good sources of flavanols. These phytochemicals slow the clumping of blood platelets, which are responsible for blood clots that can result in heart attacks.

In fact, just a little chocolate a day is strong enough to lower your chances of getting a heart attack by up to 50%! Cacao is also known to be a mood enhancer, because it makes the brain produce endorphins and serotonin, which will make you feel happy and reduce stress levels.

Aside from slowing platelet clumping, it can also facilitate better arterial blood flow in men by helping the blood vessels relax, which boosts your cardiovascular health.

Cacao beans are a source of types of fat that aren’t bad for you: stearic acid, which has been seen in studies to not raise cholesterol levels in blood anywhere near as high as other saturated fatty acids, as well as monounsaturated fat and palmitic fatty acid.

Although it might seem counterintuitive, it can also prevent diabetes by reducing the body’s insulin resistance. This is also achieved by the flavonoids by helping the body produce more nitric oxide, responsible for insulin sensitivity.

Cacao can also be healthy for the skin by preventing it from developing burns from sunlight exposure. It can make your body take up to twice as long to develop the beginning signs of sunburn!

There are many more benefits that cocoa provides us, but these are some of the most important and effective. If you’re craving some 70% pure you don’t have to look any further to get some – we sell raw, vegan-friendly cacao in a variety of forms right in our online shop.

Come on by and take a look at our delicious selection and start reaping the benefits cacao has to offer today!


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