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Silver Biotics Toothpaste

Silver Biotics Toothpaste utilizes the incredible effects of silver to treat oral bacteria.

Silver Biotics is a company that specializes in advanced formulas of silvers dissolved in water and they’ve developed a number of amazing products.

Water dissolved silver formulas (“colloidal silver” is a general term) are usually taken orally and have a variety of health benefits, especially for fighting off harmful foreign bacteria and boosting the immune system.

The company has a multi-patented unique technology called SilverSol that builds a silver/oxygen covering over the nano-sized silver molecule that greatly helps in the oxidation process of enemy pathogens and free radicals while not affecting the helpful probiotic bacteria and enzymes in our bodies.

SilverSol was developed over many years with painstaking experimentation and testing with the intention of separating itself from the many other colloidal silver manufacturers. They set out to develop a safer and more effective solution of silver that did not build up within the body and did not affect any of our good probiotic microbes.

They succeeded with these and other goals, and branched out to developing a dental paste because the mouth is a place that is daily teeming with harmful bacteria.

The metal silver has been used throughout recorded history for more than just coin money or for sturdy tools. It has a medicinal value as well that was never lost upon our ancestors.

As far back as ancient Greece and Rome regular people and royalty alike have been using silver to fight off harmful bacteria and microbes inside their bodies as well as in the surface environment.

For example, forks, knives, spoons, plates, pitchers, and cups were made from pure silver or had a silver exterior coating to maintain a clean, antiseptic environment while eating and drinking. This is where we get the term “silverware.”

Before modern refrigeration, farmers used silver pails for milking their cows because they could leave the milk in ambient temperatures for hours without it spoiling. It was also common to put silver coins at the bottom of milk jugs to fight off the growth of bacteria and lengthen the time the milk was still good to drink.

Modern scientific laboratory research has revealed just how and why silver can have a beneficial effect when we keep in around us in our everyday environment and use it as an antiseptic. When tiny silver molecules encounter bacteria or viruses they attach to the cell walls and eventually penetrate into the cells.

Once inside the cell of the bacteria or virus, the silver particles attach to the enzymes that control the energy distribution in the cell, as well as the DNA replication processes, and shut them both down, which effectively kills the organism.

Many silver solutions have hit the market in the past 25 years. In the 1990s there was a surge in products though many people were uncertain as to whether ingesting a heavy metal on a regular basis to be a healthy long term treatment.

A rare skin condition called Argyria turns the skin into a silvery blue color after ingesting heavy amounts of silver over many years. The sudden association with ingesting silver and this condition did not help the image of taking water-soluble silvers, but it turns out this is an extremely rare, nearly non-existent problem when ingested properly.

Still, the potential problem of the silver building up in the body and remaining for long periods of time was a concern for consumers. From this problem the quest, and ultimate success, of their SilverSol technology occurred and is today the leading manufacturer of top-of-the-line colloidal silvers.

The most common colloidal silver solutions come as a liquid solution with a dropper to ingest orally on the tongue, but Silver Biotics Toothpaste takes the colloidal silver concept one step further.

Most silver solutions work in a similar way: once swallowed and into your body, the silver acts quickly to determine what foreign substances to take down, and SilverSol products in particular are guaranteed to be flushed out of the system within 24 hours.

Keeping the silver in the mouth to be used as a paste on a daily basis is an excellent way to kill the bacteria that enter our mouth and linger between our teeth and gums. In fact, from a microbial standpoint, the mouth is one of the most toxic places in the body and not taking care of one’s oral hygiene can quickly lead to toothaches, bad breath, and gum disease.

Silver has such a great track record for killing bacteria that it is claimed no bacterias are able to survive within its midst. In the mouth this will translate to waking up in the morning without the “slime coat” feeling in one’s mouth that occurs despite having brushed one’s teeth the night before.

Silver Biotics oral care tooth gel

The oral care tooth gel products also contain the natural sweetener xylitol which is found in many plants. Xylitol has been shown to have an anti-plaque effect on teeth and reduces inflammation related to gingivitis, and is known to stop certain bacterias from having to the chance to take hold and grow in the mouth. It has also been shown to support the remineralization of tooth enamel.

Silver Biotic products steer clear from using the dangerous neurotoxin fluoride in their tooth gels, which can cause the serious decay and destruction of teeth called fluorosis.

Besides cleaning the surface of teeth and eliminating bacteria throughout the mouth, these toothpastes and tooth gels help prevent other types of infections and diseases that often begin in the mouth.

Sore throat, bronchitis, the common cold, influenza and pneumonia are all sicknesses that can originate through ingesting harmful bacteria that the immune system cannot readily defeat. Using their SilverSol technology based products is one of the surest ways to ensure that viruses and other foreign microbes are not able to take hold in the throat and fester in the body.

Not only do these products provide superior oral health care but also act as the first line of defense for the immune system with a strong, anti-bacterial presence of nano-silver in the mouth.


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